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Dream Dictionary:H字开头

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Hairdresser Work on self-image and self-esteem. Feeling bitter about something.
Hall Access. Privacy. Trying to find a connection with someone or something.
Hammer Construction. Striking out. Work. Plans to built or destroy parts in your life.
Hanging Lack of communication. Change in own environment. Must control passions.
Harbor Safety and shelter. Emotional peace.
Hat Thoughts and attitudes revealed.
Heart Attack Loss of love or security. Need for someone to care for you.
Heat Intense emotions. Stress. Situation that needs to be cool off.
Heaven Transcendence. Big happiness. Prosperity.
Hell Complete change of your circumstances. Spiritual agony. Lack of control. Torment.
High Heels Glamour. Sexual invitation. Flirtation. Power.
Hills Easy achievement. Easy earnings. Financial gains.
Hole Escape. Search. Denial. Looking for an answer or hidden from it.
Home Center of being. Spiritual self. Shelter. Basic need fulfilled. Happiness within the family.
Homeless Spiritual deprivation. Absence of security and stability.
Homosexual Union or fear of union with aspects of self. Passion.
Hospital Healing. Confinement. Divine hopes. Ready to heal.
Hotel Transitional aspect of identity. Success of hopes . Long journey.
House Financial security. Happiness within the family. Honor and dignity. Being.
Hugging Loving protection. Attention. Conform. Need for care.
Hunting Coming prosperity. Search. Quest. You will succeed. Certain earnings.
Hurricane Destructive emotions. Mystery will be solved. Ready to experience powerful feelings.
Hurry The end of a situation. Danger of an accident. Doomed for disappointment.
Husband Partner. Commitment.
Hut Retreat. Humility. Looking to fulfill a basic or primordial need.

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